Reading Your Wind Assessment

Reading Your Wind Assessment

How to Use Your Wind Assessment Page

Read the Simulation Results

When you upgrade your simulation results to obtain a Wind Assessment, you are still accessing your simulation results. The procedure is described here.

Interactive Viewer

Each simulation includes an interactive viewer where you can explore and analyze its results in detail.

This panel loads an interactive 3D model, which can be zoomed in to provide a closer view of your model’s surfaces. It is locked in orthographic view by default. Your ArchiWind Assessment allows you to navigate in 3D to gain deeper insights into the results.

By default, your model will be colored based on pedestrian wind comfort. Click on the controls panel and use the field dropdown menu to make your selection. Some specific fields are added on top of the basic fields displayed in your simulation results. You can now access:

If your model contains multiple parts (building, terrain, surroundings), you can optionally hide the texture on individual parts from view. Hover your mouse over the eye icon next to the geometry you want to make invisible.

The 3D view panel can also be expanded to fullscreen using the buttons on the bottom right-hand side of an active panel (excellent for detailed screenshots).

Click the “?” for a short tour of the 3D view.

Printable PDF Report

A printable report (in PDF format) can be downloaded from the main results webpage.

Download Report

This report contains additional information (not shown on the webpage) including simulation-specific settings. You will also get a description of our methodology, an overview of the mesh, and a summary of the fields for different periods.

ArchiWind Assessment is continually being developed to provide more value to our users. In the next release, the report will be enhanced to offer insights comparable to those given by traditional consultants. The new report will highlight zones that need extra attention. Additionally, it will suggest mitigation strategies and examples of interventions to improve your area.

Example Report

Raw Data

The raw CFD data can be downloaded to your local machine for custom post-processing, analysis, and visualization.

The data is provided in VTK format, which can be read using the free, open-source visualization tool, ParaView (among other tools).

Access the raw data download link via the dropdown menu at the top of your simulation results page.

The raw data files are large (5GB+ for high-rise simulations) and are available for a limited time (60 days) after the simulation is completed.