Reading Your Wind Simulation Results

Reading Your Wind Simulation Results

How to Read Your Simulation Results?

Step 1: Read the PWC and Identify Problematic Areas

Review the PWC data: Carefully examine the PWC results to identify areas where wind comfort levels are below acceptable thresholds. Typically, look for orange and red spots. In some cases, you might also need to include yellow areas for specific concerns.

More info about PWC - See here

Highlight hotspots: Mark zones that fall below comfort standards for closer analysis.

PWC Example

Step 2: Determine the Wind Direction(s) Responsible for Poor Comfort

Wind rose diagram: Use a wind rose to visualize the frequency and impact of different wind directions on the site.

Wind Rose - Example
ColorWind Speed Threshold (m/s)
Blue0 - 4
Light Blue4 - 6
Yellow6 - 8
Orange8 - 10

Wind Speed Amplification: Review all wind directions to identify which ones are causing high wind velocities at your area of interest. Rank their contributions for practical use:

More info about Wind Speed Amplification - See here

  • Dominant wind directions: Winds are more likely to come from these directions. Ensure your area is shielded. In this case, it is the South West direction.

  • High-velocity distribution: A high concentration of red and orange indicates expected high wind speeds from that direction. In this example, winds from the South East are mainly between 6 and 8 m/s.

The wind amplification factor provides a qualitative insight into wind conditions. For quantitative results, check our demo page for ArchiWind Assessment.

Step 3: Identify Characteristic Wind Patterns

Wind Rose with High Velocity Distribution

Local wind simulations add an extra level of precision by capturing wind patterns generated by surrounding buildings, which can significantly accelerate wind speeds.

Look for common patterns and use the 3D viewer with wind speed amplification enabled:

  • Downwash: Occurs when wind hits a tall structure and is deflected downward.

  • Cornering: Increased wind speed around building corners.

  • Venturi effect: Wind acceleration between two closely spaced buildings.

Note where these patterns occur to understand their impact on pedestrian comfort.

Step 4: Locate the Most Effective Mitigation Spots

Spot mitigation zones: Identify areas where interventions like windbreaks, vegetation, or architectural modifications can be most effective.

Prioritize based on impact: Focus on high-traffic areas or spots where discomfort is most severe.

Understand the Fields

You have access to fields such as Pedestrian Wind Comfort that provide basic information about on-site wind conditions.

To gain more detailed insights, upgrade to ArchiWind Assessment and access additional fields: