Wind Speed

The wind speed represented by colors shows how fast the wind will blow at specific areas of the site. You can choose the wind direction from which you want the wind to blow. Additionally, you can modify the Reference Wind Speed.

Wind Speed

What is the Reference Wind Velocity?

The wind speed displayed in weather forecasts typically represents the average wind speed expected at a specific time and location. Here are the key points to understand about forecast wind speeds:

  1. Average Speed: The forecast wind speed is usually a 10-minute average wind speed, not an instantaneous measurement. This provides a more stable and representative value of the overall wind conditions.
  2. Standard Height: Wind speeds are typically forecast for a standard height of 10 meters above the ground or sea level. Wind speed generally increases with height, so this standardization allows for consistent measurements across different locations.
  3. Units: Wind speeds are commonly reported in knots, miles per hour (mph), or kilometers per hour (km/h), depending on the region and the forecasting agency.

Reference Wind Speed

In a nutshell, if you input the wind speed from the weather forecast for the period you are interested in as the Reference Wind Speed, you can understand what the local wind speed will be. This local wind speed can be more than twice as high as the forecasted wind speed. Local effects, like downwash around high-rise buildings, create singular areas that will be problematic without clear intel.

Downwash Effect at the base of high-rise City of London