Pick a site location

Pick a site location

Geographical coordinates

In order to fetch the correct wind statistics and surface roughness for the CFD-simulation and post-processing, the geographical location of the site must be known. The geographical coordinates should be submitted as decimal longtiude and latitude values given in the WGS84 coordinate reference system. For the best accuracy, the coordinates should correspond to the origin point in the geometry files.

Getting coordinates from google maps

Go to maps.google.com, locate your site location, right click on the point of interest and copy the coordinates (latitude, longitude).

google maps location


The processed result images can be exported as georeferenced raster images (GeoTIFF files). In order to correctly align the simulation results with the real world, some additional user input is required:

  1. The given latidude and longitude coordinates must correspond excatly to the origin point (0, 0) in the geometry files.
  2. The map projection used to create the geometry files must be known. This is given as an EPSG code representing the coordinate reference system (CRS) used. EPSG codes for your CRS can be found here.

The georeferenced output images can be used as an overlay in visual presentations of the site and as separate map layers in GIS applications.